
Cool Modell Agency

Vajon kik is vagyunk, miért is vagyunk? Egy összetartó csapat, ahol megtalálhatóak új és ismert arcok, szakemberek. Reméljük hamarosan Te is a csapatunkba tartozol! Nem akarunk a modellekkel tömegesen foglalkoztatni, mert komoly szándékunk, hogy figyelembe vesszük az egyes modell érdekeit, és így garantálhatjuk az egyéni karrierlehetőséget, Célunk a magas szintű menedzsment biztosítása modelljeink részére. Regisztrációs díj nálunk nincs, de a casting jogát fenntartjuk. Zárt rendszerben dolgozunk, partnereinket leinformáljuk, mielőtt kiajánlanánk modelljeinket.

Cool Modell Team

About Us:

Cool Modell - Cool Photo - the youngest of the premium model & photo agency of Budapest, the Central European capital of fashion and beauty – is devoted not only to find through its connoisseur scouting agents the most gifted and ambitious young starlets of the catwalk but also to provide a comprehensive service for photographers, designers, television productions, magazines, showrooms, exhibitions, sporting and cultural events. For the corporate client we also do our best to find the most appropriate hostesses and promoters as well as the new faces of a product. For request we take care of every aspect of any production from casting through location scouting to providing the creative team. A bunch of real fashion and aesthetic enthusiasts created Cool  Model & Photo Management to set a new standard in the modeling industry and to prove the saying that the most beautiful women reside in Hungary is more than just a well marketed common place.

Our glamour division has also recently got operational and provides clients with the best possible service in the industry.

Registration free!

Cool Modell & Cool Photo Team

AbouAbout Us

Cool Modell – the youngest of the premium model agencies of Budapest, the Central European capital of fashion and beauty – is devoted not only to find through its connoisseur scouting agents the most gifted and ambitious young starlets of the catwalk but also to provide a comprehensive service for photographers, designers, television productions, magazines, showrooms, exhibitions, sporting and cultural events. For the corporate client we also do our best to find the most appropriate hostesses and promoters as well as the new faces of a product. For request we take care of every aspect of any production from casting through location scouting to providing the creative team. A bunch of real fashion and aesthetic enthusiasts created E’clat Model Management to set a new standard in the modeling industry and to prove the saying that the most beautiful women reside in Hungary is more than just a well marketed common place.

Our glamour division has also recently got operational and provides clients with the best possible service in the industry.t Us

Cool Modell – the youngest of the premium model agencies of Budapest, the Central European capital of fashion and beauty – is devoted not only to find through its connoisseur scouting agents the most gifted and ambitious young starlets of the catwalk but also to provide a comprehensive service for photographers, designers, television productions, magazines, showrooms, exhibitions, sporting and cultural events. For the corporate client we also do our best to find the most appropriate hostesses and promoters as well as the new faces of a product. For request we take care of every aspect of any production from casting through location scouting to providing the creative team. A bunch of real fashion and aesthetic enthusiasts created E’clat Model Management to set a new standard in the modeling industry and to prove the saying that the most beautiful women reside in Hungary is more than just a well marketed common place.

Our glamour division has also recently got operational and provides clients with the best possible service in the indust